Heume, Nature Revealer
talking to nature


Tree Talking

If you are open to trying any of this 'nature talking' -- you will want to talk to trees! Each species has a unique bond with another species, trees and humans are 'dual kin'. We are kindred. So, if you're ready to communicate with other realms, trees are everywhere, and each has its own news to tell.

Each tree responds from many levels, one being the physical tree itself, another the higher self, each enjoy communing with you. More than other species, trees are enabled with their own natural internet -- the root systems are like electric pathways to instant information.

You can see that certain trees are older and wiser than others -- maybe bigger or taller. They love to share wisdom from their life experiences, and can speak from the all wisdom of trees everywhere. Trees help you sort things out – they are major counselors. Tree communication can provide you deep personal awareness.

Trees are your dual-kin, and they want to help you communicate with them. Make a good connection by sitting next to a tree. You'll find its voice more distinct, louder than other voices in nature. Trees are a major gateway to learning nature dialogue.

Sit down and converse with a tree...any tree.

Instructions from a Poplar tree on how to dialogue with trees:
"Trees have a history to tell, through sharing their life experiences. I was once a small poplar, and the fence wire bent around me. There was nothing that could stop my growth once I decided to persevere. If you want to be great, just persevere." - King Poplar

Heume, nature revealer

Nature Speaks

Do you want to talk to the rock, the leaf, a grain of sand? -- you can! This beautiful nature talking is profound, yet simple and instinctual. Your own body speaks to you, a molecule speaks to you. From the beach to even a complete mountain range, all have great secrets to reveal.

Each component of the whole has its own personality and wisdom. You can talk to one drop of water. Many drops combined are a stream, now a greater self, and can speak as one larger, unique personality. So, the drop of water and the stream can both give you insight, but from different perspectives.

Holding four rocks of the same type in your hand, all white quartz for example, you'll find each rock will have a unique voice and identity. Some elements of nature have a female voice, some male, and others speak in a neutral tone. They range from high-pitched, squeaky fast talkers, all the way to low, slow tenors. Varying from old wisdom to young creative energies, these indigenous inhabitants will reveal to you a whole new world.

RockA nature dweller can speak as one individual -- pick up one item, it talks to you as one item. Often, a representative is selected to speak for their group, or the entire species as a whole. You don't always need to touch something to dialogue with it. Sunbeams, clouds and wind are just as fluent as a healing crystal around your neck. There are many Master Teachers in nature -- old rivers, mountain ranges, waterfalls and more. Greet them. They have the grandest perspective.

Nature really has something to tell you!

Instructions from a rock for dialoguing with nature:
"It's very simple -- nature talks -- when you believe this, you are half way there." -Tiny Rock of Big Place

Flowers, Plants and Herbs

"We are major talkers -- if you can keep pace with us, you can run with any inner dialogue."-Flowers

Plants and vegetables know exactly what they need for growth. Vegetables will tell you what they will improve in your body. Herbs simply know their own real story and are quick to correct myths that veil their true purpose.

Some of the best lessons about our relationships with life on Earth can come from the dialogue with a few plants around your home. Hitch a ride to school with a flower, plant or herb -- these are concentrated lessons.

  • Flowers- Flowers are gabbers with an array of personalities. Let your conversations with flowers blossom, they understand your plight on Earth -- not always an easy stroll. They can top anyone's gab on a subject.

    Wild PhloxLift your spirit with the beauty of communicating with flowers -- they will graciously serve you. For hundreds of years we have been cultivating flowers around us, so they understand our intertwining relationship.

    Flowers that grow wild in nature can spark many new thought channels. Flowers are a pure source of inspiration. They can be your internal coaches and motivators.

    Instructions from wild phlox for dialoguing with flowers:
    "It will be easier if you touch, smell or feel us – look at our leaves and stems, if even briefly, before talking." -Wild Phlox (Seconds after they spoke, a swallowtail butterfly drank their nectar.)

  • Grass
  • Plants- The more you talk to plants, the more you will learn why nature thrives. Plants sincerely let you know what they would like you to do for them, and what not to do -- like overwatering. Many plants, like some flowers, are community based and will often speak as a group. They know you need help in multiple areas of your life. It is their collective thinking that provides progressive lessons, as you visit plant to plant around your home or garden.

    Plants are portable. Bring a potted plant home with you, place it in a room to start your own 'Nature Dialogue School'. Learn a few simple dialogue techniques, then start practicing on shrubs, grass, or even the cucumber you brought from the store.

    Instructions from The Grasses for dialoguing with plants: " A plant needs to be recognized. Say, "Hello, plant," -- or together -- "Hello grasses, hello shrubs, bush, ivy, how are you? You are wonderful and I would like to talk to you." When you are planting them, say, "I want to plant you correctly, water you properly. What do you want or not want me to do?" Become friends with the plant you want to speak with. Some other questions you can ask, "I want to enjoy you every way I can--do you have any special talents? " -Grass Connection

    They know more about you than you realize. You can ask, "Is there something you see about me that I should be aware of?"

  • Sweet Basil
  • Herbs- Herbs, like most vegetables, know they are intended for consumption. Either for taste enhancement or medicinal needs, we continue growing them for our use. We have a complex and soulful history with herbs. There are many mysteries that can be solved through one dialogue alone. "What do you really do, herb?"

    Instructions from Sweet Basil for dialoguing with herbs: "Touch me, smell me -- enjoy me first. Let's pretend that you are basil like me and we both have medicinal properties. We can now relate to each other. You are basil, and I am basil. Now we can easily reveal our secrets to each other."-Sweet Basil

    Sweet Basil on culinary use- "I heal moods. You become immediately happy as you cut me up and my aroma rises to your nose. You anticipate the enhanced flavor I will bring to the meal. My medicinal purpose is for ‘clarity’, and I can cleanse many areas of your body. I stay with happiness in cooking. Make some ‘sense’ with herbs." -Sweet Basil
The Waters

'The Waters' first spoke while I was receiving teachings for The Devas' Journey, a soon to be released book of learning campuses established by the fairies. The phenomenal Waters speak as all the waters of the world... one voice...all waters.

Waters of the WorldThis initial message and request by 'The Waters' was simultaneously received by two of us, as we rested on a huge boulder surrounded by a Master Teacher river. Since that day over two years ago, we have been delivering these teachings from 'The Waters of the World'. Many people feel a calling to assist our water on Earth. You may also feel this connection.

Through each individual's 'heart call', we have emissaries all over the United States and on 4 continents. Each one of you has your own water that you live and drive by...see and touch. You are their connection.

It's a very important and personal link, that each one of you will have with 'The Waters'. Water is everywhere -- clouds, rain, the soil, oceans, lakes, rivers, in your body, and in the vegetables you eat. The Earth's surface is 75% water and your body is 75% water. You are water, and when you are connected to 'The Waters', in some form, you are connected to every mile of Earth. Water is the life-energy of Earth and you.

If you want to talk to your body, talk to the water in it. How about a tree? Talk to the water in the tree. Water helps facilitate dialogue. Because water is everywhere, when you learn to connect with water, you are instantly an omnidialoguer.

'The Waters' are eager to have you drink them, come and greet them at their shoreline, and befriend them while washing your face. Say, "Hello Waters!"

"A long time ago we chose to co-create ourselves. We wanted to be something that could support life, that life could live in us, on us and through us. Where we could feed Earth and have life fly through us--we became water."-The Waters

The Fairies

Fairies are a substantial part of Earth's population, and are now on a major mission to talk, be seen, and connect with you. This is the time to talk to fairies.

They have a greater variation of color, shape and purpose than humans. These characteristics develop from the specific tasks they each perform, dramatically altering their appearance over time. Some fairies dress in traditional pastel flower dazzle, or the elves may wear classic cap and pointed shoes. Folklore has influenced their gear, making it easy for you to recognize their role.

Some fairies and nature dwellers are intriguingly odd. Their bodies and attire evolved from their function, who they are assisting, and the physical terrain where they live. Fairies with horse hair skin, living in a state park along equine trails that hug the riverbank, are a perfect example of their adaptation – just fascinating.

We have so much to learn from them by merely tapping into their individual relationship with nature. Each fairy has a specific area of expertise and enjoys sharing their knowledge with you. While you are so close to them, talk to the nature dwellings that they inhabit, like rocks, water and trees.

Nature wears no mask -- neither do fairies. It's a relief to talk to them because they understand basic functions of you and Earth. Fairy guidance is simply refreshing!

Fairy Talk
We are The Fairy
of the Woods,
and we talk in rhyme.
If you want to see us much,
come here anytime.
Instructions from The Woodland Fairies for dialoguing with them and their community companions:

"We have 'calling cards' we use to introduce ourselves. If you would like to connect with us, become more aware that the little things appearing in your thoughts -- our poems, songs, words, bird calls -- may be us saying, Hello!" -Woodland Fairies


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